Our collection, use and disclosure of your personal information is regulated by the National Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988, as amended from time to time and also by the relevant State legislation.

You can find more information about your privacy rights at the Privacy Commissioner’s web site,

When you visit City of Kalamunda websites, including, the Kalamunda Performing Arts website, information is automatically logged by our web content management system (CMS) and our Internet Service Provider (ISP). Details of your visit and logs information include your IP address, date and time of your visit, page and document interactions, browser type and versions as well as where you came from i.e. the referring site or media. This information is used for analysis purposes to determine website usage and interactions. We do not use this to identify users or their browsing activities unless required by law, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect our service provider’s logs.

By signing up or joining a mailing list, your details are added to that specific mailing list and used for the stated purpose of that list only. Further, the City of Kalamunda records your contact details (in accordance with government record keeping standards) when emails are sent to us. This information will only be used for the purpose for which you have provided it.

Privacy Statement

You authorise the City of Kalamunda to collect information about you and about transactions processed by you through City of Kalamunda Online Services. This information will be treated in accordance with the City of Kalamunda Disclaimer. The City of Kalamunda may disclose information about you (including your identity) to a third party, if the City of Kalamunda is requested to do so in the course of a criminal or other legal investigation, or if the City of Kalamunda determines that disclosure is necessary in connection with any complaint regarding your use of the site.

Collecting your information

Using Online Services, you agree to provide any relevant information, documents and attachments, through electronic means, in the format and to the standards described for each transaction. You also agree and understand that the information collected will be retained in electronic form.

Providing information to you

Using Online Services, you agree to receive information through electronic means. Where information is requested by another person, the requesting party is deemed to be the recipient’s agent and is presumed to have obtained the consent of the recipient to receive the information in electronic format.


Certain Online Services offered by the City of Kalamunda may require a login ID and password for verification of your identity. You agree that all information provided to City of Kalamunda by you in relation to your account shall be current, complete and accurate.